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[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Stockertown 2-7-2005 by Ord. No. 252. Amendments noted where applicable.]


Ordinance 2020-1 Zoning Changes HERE


Uniform construction codes - See Ch. 98.

Floodplain management - See Ch. 112.

Stormwater management - See Ch. 205.

Subdivision and land development - See Ch. 213.

Article I Preamble

§ 250-1 Title and short title.

§ 250-2 Purpose.

§ 250-3 Interpretation.

§ 250-4 Scope.

§ 250-5 Conflict with other provisions.

§ 250-6 Community development objectives.

Article II Terminology

§ 250-7 Application and interpretation.

§ 250-8 Definitions.

Article III Establishment of Districts

§ 250-9 Districts established.

§ 250-10 Classes of districts.

§ 250-11 Zoning Map.

§ 250-12 District boundaries.

§ 250-13 Boundary tolerances.

Article IV R-1 Residential

§ 250-14 Purpose.

§ 250-15 Use regulations.

§ 250-16 Area and bulk regulations. (AMENDED 5.4.20 Ordinance 2020-1)

§ 250-17 Design standards.

Article V MU Mixed Use District

§ 250-18 Purpose.

§ 250-19 Use regulations.

§ 250-20 Area and bulk regulations. (AMENDED 5.4.20 Ordinance 2020-1)

§ 250-21 Design standards.

Article VI I Industrial District

§ 250-22 Purpose.

§ 250-23 Use regulations.

§ 250-24 Area and bulk regulations.

§ 250-25 Community facilities.

§ 250-26 Design standards.

Article VII O/I Office/Industrial District

§ 250-27 Purpose.

§ 250-28 Use regulations.

§ 250-29 Area and bulk regulations.

§ 250-30 Community facilities.

§ 250-31 Design standards.

Article VIII Floodplain District

§ 250-32 Purpose.

§ 250-33 Warning and disclaimer of liability.

§ 250-34 Description of districts.

§ 250-35 Zoning Map.

§ 250-36 District boundary change.

§ 250-37 Interpretation of district boundaries.

§ 250-38 District provisions.

§ 250-39 Development which may endanger human life.

§ 250-40 Activities specifically prohibited.

§ 250-41 Floodway District (FW).

§ 250-42 Flood-Fringe District (FF).

§ 250-43 General Floodplain District (FA).

Article IX Supplemental Land Use Regulations

§ 250-44 Accessory use regulations.

§ 250-45 Conversion of dwellings.

§ 250-46 Day-care centers.

§ 250-47 Group homes.

§ 250-48 Agricultural uses.

§ 250-49 Recreational land use.

§ 250-50 Mixed-use development.

§ 250-51 School/educational facility.

§ 250-52 Church and religious institutions.

§ 250-53 Multifamily.

§ 250-54 Sanitary landfill.

§ 250-55 Junkyard.

§ 250-56 Recycling facility.

§ 250-57 Automotive body repair and paint shop.

§ 250-58 Automotive sales.

§ 250-59 Drive-through restaurant.

§ 250-60 Service station.

§ 250-61 Mobile home park regulations.

§ 250-62 Cemetery.

§ 250-63 Standards for communications towers as special exceptions.

§ 250-64 No-impact home-based business.

Article X General Provisions

§ 250-65 Parking.

§ 250-66 Loading and unloading.

§ 250-67 Access and traffic control.

§ 250-68 Interior circulation.

§ 250-69 Landscaping and screening.

§ 250-70 Lighting.

§ 250-71 Storage.

§ 250-72 Utilities.

§ 250-73 Physical performance standards.

§ 250-74 Public utility corporations and authorities.

§ 250-75 Modification of single-family residential front yard requirements.

§ 250-76 Projections into required yards.

§ 250-77 Fences and walls.

§ 250-78 Special setback provisions.

§ 250-79 Federal and state owned property.

Article XI Signs

§ 250-80 Purpose.

§ 250-81 General regulations.

§ 250-82 Exempt signs.

§ 250-83 Sign classification, size and district applicability.

§ 250-84 Temporary sign regulations.

§ 250-85 Sign permits, bond and license.

§ 250-86 Off-premises signs (including billboards).

Article XII Nonconforming Uses, Structures, Lots and Signs

§ 250-87 Applicability.

§ 250-88 Continuation.

§ 250-89 Nonconforming uses.

§ 250-90 Nonconforming structures. (AMENDED 5.4.20 Ordinance 2020-1)

§ 250-91 Nonconforming lots.

§ 250-92 Nonconforming signs.

Article XIII Administration

§ 250-93 Applicability administration and enforcement.

§ 250-94 Common permit regulations.

§ 250-95 Zoning permits.

§ 250-96 Sign permits.

§ 250-97 Building permits.

§ 250-98 Permit procedure for microwave antenna for satellite communication.

§ 250-99 Occupancy permits.

§ 250-100 Conditional uses.

§ 250-101 Liability.

§ 250-102 Exemption.

§ 250-103 Municipalities Planning Code.

Article XIV Zoning Hearing Board

§ 250-104 Establishment and membership.

§ 250-105 Organization.

§ 250-106 Applications for hearings.

§ 250-107 Notice of hearings.

§ 250-108 Expenditures for service; fees.

§ 250-109 Hearings.

§ 250-110 Functions.

§ 250-111 Expiration of special exceptions, variances and conditional uses.

§ 250-112 Parties appellant before the Board.

§ 250-113 Time limitations.

§ 250-114 Parties to the hearing.

§ 250-115 Stay of proceedings.

§ 250-116 Appeals.

§ 250-117 Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code.

Article XV Amendment

§ 250-118 Power of amendment.

§ 250-119 Landowner's petition.

§ 250-120 Planning Commission referral.

§ 250-121 Curative amendment procedures.

§ 250-122 Hearings.

§ 250-123 Decisions of Borough Council.

§ 250-124 Steep Sloop – Definitions. (AMENDED 5.4.20 Ordinance 2020-1)

§ 250-125 Steep Sloop -  Restrictions. (AMENDED 5.4.20 Ordinance 2020-1)

§ 250-126 Exceptions to Steep Sloop Restrictions. (AMENDED 5.4.20 Ordinance 2020-1)


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