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§ 250-18 Purpose.

The purpose of the MU Mixed Use District is to provide areas in the Borough for a continued mix of residential and commercial activity as well as new residential, office and commercial development. The MU District has been located in areas where convenient access and services are available. In the MU District, the following regulations shall apply.

§ 250-19 Use regulations.

A building may be erected, altered or used, and a lot may be used or occupied, for any of the following purposes, and no other:


Single-family detached dwelling, single-family semidetached dwelling and two-family dwellings.


Apartments above or in the rear of a permitted commercial use.


Hotel, including restaurant and bar, confectionery and newsstand.


Retail store for the sale of dry goods, variety merchandise, clothing, food, beverages, drugs, furnishings and other household supplies, jewelry, time pieces, musical instruments, scientific instruments and antiques.


Business or professional office, studio, bank or other financial institution, library.


Restaurant; provided, however, that outdoor counter, drive-in or curb service shall not be permitted.


Personal service shop such as barber, beauty salon, tailor and shoe repair.


Contractor, craftsman including plumbing, heating, carpenter, welding.


Self-service laundry and dry-cleaning establishment; provided, however, that the establishment will be connected to the Stockertown Borough Sewage Treatment Plant.


Church or other religious organization, club or fraternal organization.


No-impact home-based business as defined in § 250-8, subject to the requirements of § 250-64, shall be a permitted accessory use.


The following uses when authorized as a special exception and subject to the provisions of § 250-110J herein:


Multifamily dwellings according to § 250-53.


Home occupations according to § 250-44B(4).


Mixed-use development according to § 250-50.


Bed-and-breakfast according to § 250-44B(5).


Automotive sales and service according to § 250-58.


Drive-through restaurant facilities according to § 250-59.


Service stations and vehicle repair shops according to § 250-60.


Group home according to § 250-47.


Warehousing and distribution.


Light manufacturing.


The following when authorized as a conditional use by the Borough Council subject to Article XIV of this chapter:


Mobile home park according to § 250-61.


Accessory uses according to § 250-44.

§ 250-20 Area and bulk regulations. (AMENDED 5.4.20 Ordinance 2020-1)

Without Public Sewer With Public Sewer Minimum Living Square Footage (square feet)
Lot area ÔÇö minimum
Single-family detached 1 acre 9,000 square feet 1,000
Single-family semidetached and two-family detached 1 acre/unit 6,500 square feet 1,000
Multifamily dwellings (tract) Not permitted 20,000 square feet 1,000
Maximum gross density (tract) 6 DU/ac*
Maximum net density 8 DU/ac*
Mixed use 1 acre/use 15,000 square feet
Other permitted uses 1 acre/use 8,000 square feet
Mobile home park Not permitted 5 acres 800
Maximum gross density 6 DU/ac*
* DU/ac = Dwelling unit per acre.
Without Public Sewer With Public Sewer
Minimum Lot Width at Building Line
Single-family detached 150 feet 50 feet
Single-family semidetached and two-family detached 150 feet 40 feet
Multifamily dwellings (tract) 80 feet
Mixed use 200 feet 80 feet
Other permitted uses 200 feet 60 feet
Mobile home park 200 feet
Maximum Building Coverage
Single-family detached 20% 45%
Single-family semidetached and two-family detached 20% 45%
Multifamily dwellings (tract) 45%
Mixed use 30% 55%
Other permitted uses 30% 55%
Mobile home park 40%
Maximum Lot Coverage
Single-family detached 30% 60%
Single-family semidetached and two-family detached 30% 60%
Multifamily dwellings (tract) 60%
Mixed use 50% 70%
Other permitted uses 50% 70%
Mobile home park 40%
Front and Rear Yard, Minimum
Single-family detached 35 feet 35 feet
Single-family semidetached and two-family detached 25 feet 25 feet
Multifamily dwellings (tract) 40 feet
Mixed use 35 feet 35 feet
Other permitted uses 35 feet 35 feet
Mobile home park 25 feet
Side Yards, Minimum
Single-family detached 25 feet 15 feet
Single-family semidetached and two-family detached 25 feet 10 feet
Multifamily dwellings (tract) 25 feet
Mixed use 25 feet 15 feet
Other permitted uses 25 feet 15 feet
Maximum building height 3 stories or 35 feet*
* Except that by special exception, for every one foot above 35 feet, there shall be one foot added to each of the required yards, up to 65 feet.

§ 250-21 Design standards.

For additional regulations applicable to this district, see Article IX, Supplemental Land Use Regulations, Article X, General Provisions, and Article XI Signs.


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