[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of
Stockertown as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where
Every owner of real estate within the Borough of Stockertown,
Northampton County, Pennsylvania, who rents or leases any parcel of
real estate, in whole or in part, shall file with the Secretary of
the Borough a certification of the names and addresses of all tenants.
This certification shall be filed in such format as shall be designated
by the Borough Secretary and shall be submitted to the Borough Secretary
on or before January 1, 2002, and thereafter within 10 days of any
change in tenants.
The fact that the owner of real estate rents or leases any property
for minimal or no rent to another person shall not exclude the filing
requirement as set forth above. It is the date of the execution of
the lease, and not actual occupancy, that triggers the owner's
obligations as set forth in this article. In the event there is no
written lease, then actual occupancy by the tenant shall trigger the
owner's obligation as set forth herein.
Every owner of real estate who fails to so comply with the requirements
of this article shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a summary offense
and be liable for a fine not exceeding $600, plus court costs, and,
in default of payment of such fine and costs, imprisonment for a term
not exceeding 30 days. For the purpose of this article, every day
that an owner of real estate is late in filing said certified list
as required above shall constitute a separate offense.