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[Adopted 12-3-1990 by Ord. No. 202]

§ 26-14 Agreement adopted.

There is hereby adopted and ratified an Agreement for Intergovernmental Cooperation known as the "Municipal Police ÔÇö Mutual Aid Agreement," hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement."

§ 26-15 Purposes and objectives.

The purposes and objectives of the Agreement are as follows:


To enhance the coordination of drug investigation in the Northampton County Area;


To provide for mutual police aid across jurisdictional lines to enable designated police to more effectively enforce the provisions of narcotics and illegal drug law and thereby preserve the safety and welfare of the entire area; and


To have available for use throughout the territorial limits of all municipalities signing the mutual agreement, the services of designated police employed by any and all of said municipalities, under the conditions set forth and in compliance with the Municipal Police Jurisdiction Act (42 Pa.C.S.A. § 8953).

§ 26-16 Drug Task Force Agreement.

The Agreement shall be subject to all the conditions and terms specified and set forth in the Drug Task Force Agreement which is attached hereto, and incorporated by reference herein,

Editor's Note: The Drug Task Force Agreement is on file in the Borough offices.
which include the manner and extent of financing the Agreement, the organizational framework, and the manner in which property shall be acquired, managed or disposed of.

§ 26-17 Duration of Agreement.

The duration of the Agreement shall be indefinite, subject to termination by any municipality, as to that municipality, as is provided in the Agreement.


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