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[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Stockertown 8-5-1996 by Ord. No. 229. Amendments noted where applicable.]

Uniform construction codes ÔÇö See Ch. 98.

§ 69-1 Purpose.

The purpose of this chapter is to provide standards and regulations for police, fire and other emergency alarm and protection devices, whether by direct line, radio, telephone or other means actuating a device requiring a response by police, Fire Department, ambulance or other governmental agencies. The Borough Council of Stockertown finds and declares that:


The majority of emergency alarms to which police and emergency personnel respond are false. Such false alarms are nuisances resulting in a waste of manpower and could cause serious injury to those police officers and other emergency personnel who may be responding to a false alarm. While responding to false alarms they are not available to protect the citizens of the Borough.


The dangers to citizens through emergency responses created by false alarms is unnecessary and hazardous.


False alarms have created conditions causing danger and annoyance to the general public.


Tax dollars are wasted through responses to false alarms.

§ 69-2 Definitions.

As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:

Any device designed or used for detection of fire, smoke, carbon dioxide, gas or of intrusion into a building, property, structure or facility or for alerting any person in the attempt or commission of a crime or any emergency situation involving potential death or injury or any other device which summons any emergency service agencies and which is directly connected to an audible alarm or the transmission of a related signal or message which is used to evoke an emergency response by emergency service agencies to any address or separate component of any system.
The Liberty Hose Company of Stockertown.
The activation of an alarm system due to other than the purpose for which the alarm system is designed. Any activation of an alarm system due to any malfunction caused by a violent, natural catastrophic condition, including electrical storms or power outages, or conditions beyond the control of the permittee will not constitute a false alarm. A false alarm shall also include the accidental activation of alarms by employees, permittees, cleaning services or any other persons permitted on the property by the permittee.
Written permission duly granted to an applicant by the Borough, upon payment of the required fee.
An individual and/or entity who has secured a permit in accordance with this chapter.
The Stockertown Police Department.

§ 69-3 Application for alarm permit.


Every applicant for a permit shall file with the Secretary of the Borough, on forms provided by the Borough, a written application stating the name, address and telephone number of the applicant; a description of the property or properties where the proposed alarm system shall be installed; the location, road, name of development, including the office or industrial complex and location within the office or industrial complex and name which is conspicuously displayed on the house, building or mailbox of the premises; a description of the type or types of alarm systems to be used, including name and model number of the manufacturer; the name of the person or company who will install the alarm system at the location; the name, address and telephone number of any person or company who will be available to be contacted in the event of an alarm activation; and such other information as shall be determined appropriate by the Borough. In the case of more than one building site in which the alarm system shall be installed, the applicant must provide the Borough with information concerning how the alarm for each building shall be distinguishable from the other alarms in said buildings.


In the event the name, mailing address or telephone number of the person to be contacted changes, the applicant shall supply corrected information to the Borough within five days of the change. If requested by the Borough or its duly authorized representative, including but not limited to the police, the persons listed shall be required to be present at the alarm location within a reasonable length of time after being advised that the police or other emergency departments have received any signal or message of an alarm activation.

§ 69-4 Transfer of permits.


Permits shall not be transferable from one individual and/or entity to another, or from one location to another, without the express written authorization from the Borough. In the event that the premises in which the alarm system has been installed is to be conveyed or transferred to another individual and/or entity, it shall be the responsibility of the permittee to notify the Borough of the name and telephone number of the other person to be contacted in case of the alarm activation.


Any individual and/or entity who obtains title and/or possession of premises in which an alarm system has been installed and a permit has been issued by the Borough shall notify the Borough and make application for registration specifying all information necessary for the police or other emergency departments to respond to the alarm activation.

§ 69-5 Permit fees.


Every individual and/or entity applying for a permit under the provisions of this chapter shall pay a fee in an amount as shall be set by resolution of the Borough Council

Editor's Note: Current Fee Schedule is on file in the Borough offices.
to obtain a permit prior to the installation of the new alarm system on the premises.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).


Any individual and/or entity who owns or obtains a title or possession to premises in which an alarm system has already been installed shall pay a fee in an amount as shall be set by resolution of the Borough Council

Editor's Note: Current Fee Schedule is on file in the Borough offices.
to register their name, address, telephone number and individual to be contacted in case of the activation of the alarm system in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).


All fees shall be payable to the Borough, and the fees described above may be revised from time to time by resolution of the Borough Council of Stockertown.

§ 69-6 Violations and penalties.


Any individual and/or entity who fails to make application or register with the Borough prior to the installation of an alarm system on the premises shall pay to the Borough a civil penalty in the amount of $100 plus costs of legal proceedings.


Any individual and/or entity who owns or acquires title and/or possession to premises in which an alarm system has already been installed and fails to register with the Borough shall pay to the Borough a civil penalty in the amount of $100 plus costs of legal proceedings for the first offense, and, for the second and any subsequent offenses, a civil penalty in the amount of $500 and costs of legal proceedings.


Any individual and/or entity, who after receiving notice from the Borough that emergency service agencies have responded to three false alarms as defined in this chapter during the term of any 60 days, shall pay a civil penalty of $300 per false alarm thereafter plus costs of legal proceedings.


Any individual and/or entity who continues to operate an alarm system more than five days after the date of mailing of notice of suspension, pursuant to § 69-7A, shall be subject to a civil penalty in the amount of $500 plus costs of legal proceedings. For each occasion on which a false alarm is activated after notice of suspension and pending restoration of the suspended permit, permittee shall pay a civil penalty in the amount of $500 plus costs of legal proceedings.

§ 69-7 Suspension of permit.


In addition to any penalties which may be imposed for violation of certain provisions of this chapter, the Borough may, pursuant to the provisions of this section, suspend the permit of any permittee for failure to correct any deficiencies in equipment or operation within 30 days after receipt of written notice of same from the Borough ("permit suspension"). Such permit suspension shall continue until the permittee shall give satisfactory proof to the Borough that the alarm system has been properly repaired, and/or persons have been trained in the proper use of the alarm system, and that no future false alarms will be activated.


A suspended permit shall be restored upon satisfactory proof to the Borough that the alarm system has been properly repaired, and/or persons have been trained in the proper use of the alarm system, and that no future false alarms will be activated.

§ 69-8 Confidentiality.

The information furnished and secured pursuant to this chapter shall be confidential in character, shall not be subject to public inspection, and shall be so kept in order that the contents thereof shall not be known except to Borough and police officials charged with the administration of this chapter.

§ 69-9 When effective.

This chapter shall become effective five days from the date of its adoption. Persons and/or entities who are owners of such alarm systems existing at the time of the adoption of this chapter shall have a period of 60 days from the effective date of this chapter to comply with all provisions hereof.


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